Adaptive object detection, and obstacle avoidance robot using a Jetson Nano 2GB, OpenCV, Lidar, OpenCR and ROS. A ROBOTIS TurtleBot3 waffle is used as a hardware platform starting point. A Jetson Nano 2GB will be used instead of the included Raspberry Pi 3B+ to enable potential of GPGPU use in upcoming iterations of the robot.
- JetsonNano 2GB
- ROBOTIS TurtleBot3 waffle kit, including:
- LDS-001 Lidar sensor + USB2LDS interface board
- OpenCR v1.0
- 2x servo motors
- RPi camera v2.1 + CSI ribbon cable
- Battery Pack/power supply.
- JetPack v4.6.1, which includes:
- ROS Melodic Morenia <!– 3.
- –>
Robot, up and running with a Jetson Nano.
Robot’s POV of the scene ahead via camera stream as-is, and with yaw adjustment based on centeroid calculations.
- Experimenting with different color spaces using basic color masking and a bitwise_and operator on each pixel to isolate the object of interest.
Absolute red mask (RGB mask = (255, 0, 0)) with a threshold tolareance of +/- 40 intesity levels in each channel.
Absolute green mask (RGB mask = (0, 255, 0)) with a threshold tolareance of +/- 40 intesity levels in each channel.
Absolute yellow mask (RGB mask = (255, 255, 0)) with a threshold tolareance of +/- 40 intesity levels in each channel.
- x
Software block diagram
Software statemachine flow diagram
Future work
Imageg processing
- Implment an ambient light sensor (e.g., TCS34725 to enable dynamic threshold adjustment (consider
channel in HSV color space). - Implment active learning model (consider TensorRT+CUDA), and compare accuracy and performance to other iterations of this project.
Motion Control
- Design and implment a state-space PID controller model to effeciently navigate with yaw adjustment in mind concurrently.